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Episode 1: Lots of Fiber and Lots of Life

In this episode we introduce ourselves, tell you why we started this podcast and discuss several of our latest projects.
We are long time friends who were brought together by fiber arts! We first met each other living in the UK. Michelle is back living in the US and Erica still lives in the UK.
We were inspred to start this podcast by The Two Ewes Fiber Adventures Podcast.   We look forward to talking to each other about our fiber arts on a regularly basis, like we used to when we lived close by and we hope you enjoy our conversations too!
Michelle is the maker behind Valdelia Maker, the mother of two amazing young girls!
Erica is a teacher and co-owner of
Where to find us, Weavolution, Ravelry, Instagram, other?
    Michelle is
            Ravelry: MichelleTF
            Instagram: michelletfcrafts
            Facebook: Valdelia Maker
    Erica is
            Weavolution: Erica J, Jahanara, or Weavolutionary
            Ravelry: jahanarabanu
            Instagram: weavemage
            Facebook: Weavolution
Needle felted sorting hat
Incomplete. Sorting hat from the Harry Potter series. Next steps making and adding brim and face/wrinkles
Lincoln fleece acquired and washed
Gynx Yarn Shawl:
Erica knits Portuguese style, using a knitting pin. She learned this style of knitting from Andrea Wong's class Introduction to Portuguese knitting. Erica is working on knitting a crescent shawl using Gynx yarns, unfortunately she can not find the ball band, so she can't remember the colorway. She is using the semi-circushawl formula from Laura Nelkin's Bluprint class Shawls 14 ways. She has learned a lot about knitting through this process, most especially that she still needs to loosen up her tension!
Knitting Norrland hat for a friend.
White is "natural". blue is a combination of "brilliant blue" and "royal blue"
Crystal Fox
Needle felted sloth:
Incomplete. Following a tutorial by Kiyoshi Mino from Living Felt.  next steps will be finishing the face.
Damask warp:
Erica wove an apprentice belt in damask, photo below is before the ends were trimmed, yes this photo was taken on the purple couch I mentioned. 🙂 For more information on the apprentice belt, see my project page.
Erica has also woven off the rest of this 30/2 Gemstone Silk warp. Much of the remaining warp was woven using the same pearl roundel pattern and a lotus design from Nancy Arthur Hoskins. This will be made into a headdress fir Mistress Rogned.
Sheep/alpaca/llama pattern
Pattern complete for all three. Need to write up into proper pattern to be edited and test crocheted.
I'm particularly proud of the sheep
Carding Icelandic Fleece
Fleece from Icelandic ram named Louie from Queso Cabeza farm here in southern Michigan.
First pass:
Finished batt:
Finally Erica is knitting swatches using the Replish Rambouillet she won in a drawing done by our favorite podcasters, The Two Ewes Fibre Adventures. The swatch done on 5.5 mm Chiagoo Circular needles is done and she has started a swatch on 4.0 mm needles.

Check out this episode!


  1. Great podcast! It is so interesting to hear about all the different projects you are both working on. Michelle, loved the comment about 'it has a SPINNING WHEEL'. :)


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