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Episode 7: The Safe Space Strikes Again!!!

Where to find us, Weavolution, Ravelry, Instagram, other?
    Michelle is
            Ravelry: MichelleTF
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    Erica is
            Weavolution: Erica J, Jahanara, or Weavolutionary
            Ravelry: weavemage
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Michelle's finished objects:

Michelle continues to enjoy needle felting.
In episode 6 (check the show notes) Michelle talked about some 2D needle felted pictures that she had made for a sale. She made one more in time for Halloween based on a kit and tutorial from Living Felt.

In the tutorial, they made "Boo Kitty", but Michelle decided hers needed to be a bat.

A picture of a friend's dog. Michelle's friend sent a picture of her dog in a dragon costume and Michelle decided that her friend should have a felted version of it.

After shearing day out at Queso Cabeza farm and having four fleeces follow her home, Michelle has skirted three Icelandic fleeces and washed two of them.
The first is to be sent to Erica. It's a black fleece with some silvering that is darker than the picture shows. 

Michelle brought her younger daughter (Thing2) to shearing day. Thing2 choose a fleece and then absolutely fell in love with a sheep named Evan and decided she needed Evan's fleece. As Michelle was skirting them, she realized that both fleeces are moorit (brown) gray and absolutely gorgeous. As she skirted it, she divided into nice curls for needle felting things like gnome beards and sheep and straighter fibers that are more likely to be felted into a base or spun.

Thing2 and Evan, post shearing. Thing2 was helping to remove burrs from Evan's fleece before shearing, but Michelle couldn't get any decent pictures.

Thing2  with Evan's fleece laid out as best Michelle can on her skirting table.

The first fleece that Thing2 chose. Again, there are beautiful curls to use. In this picture you can clearly see the brown tips (tog) of the locks and the gray thel (soft underlayer)

Halloween happened since our last episode. Michelle made a costume for Thing2. The relevant part to the podcast is the horns. Thing2 decided that she wanted to be Maleficent so Michelle needle felted horns and then sewed them onto a stretchy headband.

Michelle also mentioned making a staff. Here's a picture of the staff for any who are interested.

Michelle was very excited to finish spinning the Coopworth fleece. She ended up with 5.5 pounds (approx 2.5 kg). If she manages to find the notebook that she put "in a safe place", she'll give an update as to yardage.

The next object sat for a long time as an UFO. This is Nakia's scarf from the Black Panther movie. Michelle dyed the yarn for this project shortly after the movie came out and knit it up as per the pattern. She then made up similar bits to add more length. It sat for quite a while while while she was figuring out if she needed more length, but then she decided that she just needed to finish it. It's super warm!

Erica's FO's
Erica finished weaving her first colour management sample. She spun 2 coordinating braids in 10 different ways. You can see the braids and more details here. She warped up her Ashford 8 shaft table loom with 7 of the 10 handspun yarns, with a medium grey in between each stripe to clearly define between the colours.

Erica has gotten some spinning mojo back! She is currently spinning superwash targhee gradient, in purples! Surprise! ;)

Erica cast on socks 2 at a time for T! He is very excited that mama is knitting him some socks.

Sock #2 of the original sock progress is still very slow going, don't ask Erica why. She's just not loving it these days. :)

Erica has been having a great time weaving samples on her new 32" wide damask warp! Listener K (Erica's K) came by, learned to weave damask, wove some of her own samples, and helped Erica troubleshoot the shed on the drawloom! This warp will be used to weave damask for a 7th C Persian headdress, a 7th C Persian cowl, and either a 7th C Persian wrap or robe.


  1. Excellent discussions in this episode! Thanks for addressing my questions, was great to hear your answers. Looking forward to the next episode!


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