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Intro and Outro Music: Sundown by Joseph McDade, thank you!
Finished threading 800 beads for TJ's first Dueling Club mitt.
Finished knitting the body of her Ginny cardigan. While knitting this cardi (and listening to one of Rick Riordan's books on Audible) it occurred to her that knit stitches are a bit like finger cuffs, if you get them too far apart from each other or too close together they get tighter! :) Thank you Jenny of Jenny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind off!! I don't know who you are or how you figured this out, but yes this is the perfect stretchy bind-off!!!! The bind off took quite a bit of time, but it was definitely worth it!
Erica has also picked up and knit the stitches for the shawl collar!! This feature is the reason she chose this pattern. Thankfully two days before she was ready to pick up and knit the stitches, she listened to the most recent Two Ewes Fiber Adventures Podcast. In this Episode Kelly and Marsha talked about 2 tips they had learned for great results when picking up and knitting stitches. Tip 1 use 1 size smaller needle when you are doing the pick up and knit stitches! Tip 2 pick up and knit all stitches, then decrease as needed to get the final amount of stitches that you need for the pattern!
Erica's second pair of socks, sock #1 is going pretty well.
Dueling Club fingerless Mitts are underway! :) Now that she has started knitting with beads, she's not sure why she ever thought she did not want to knit with beads! It is very easy! Erica does however recommend finding small children to thread the beads, if you have a large number to thread.
Erica spun singles of Sweet Georgia Yarn's Polwarth Silk blend in the Saltwater colourway. She rewound all the singles onto actual weaving bobbins, so there are small amounts on each bobbin. This will allow her to randomly ply the singles together with each other, in theory, this helps normalize the final yarn and help with consistency in the yarn.
Michelle sewed loops on some bowl buddies made by her sister https://www.facebook.com/mosburgjulie .
Now they can hang on the wall and be easy to find.
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